Horningsea Horticultural Show

The Horningsea Horticultural Society is now, in 2024, in its 68th year and is aimed at celebrating our wealth of growing and producing talent in the village.

The annual Horticultural Show attracts a large number of entries in the categories of vegetables, home produce, baking, flower arranging and arts and crafts.  Entries from village children are particularly encouraged.  Prizes are awarded by a panel of independent professional judges.  

The Horningsea Horticultural Show will take place on Saturday 13th July. 

Download your show schedule and entry forms here:

Village Show Schedule – 2024 (also below)

Horningsea Village Show Entry Form

Photo Galleries

Horticultural Show 2023

Horticultural Show 2014

Horticultural Show 2011

Horticultural Show 2009

Horticultural Show 2008

Horticultural Show 2007

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  1. Pingback: Horningsea Village Show Saturday 14th July 2012 | Horningsea

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