- Sunday 5 May, Rogation Day – you need to put your walking boots on and join in a walk to Anglesey Abbey for lunch, and if you are feeling particularly energetic, on to Teversham for a service and tea! Traditionally Rogation Day was the day the Parish “Beat the Bounds” and the crops were blessed. There will be a service in Horningsea at 10.30 and the walk will set off from the church at about 11.30/11.45. Do come along.
- Sunday 12th May – Village Service at 16.00 in the church followed by the annual meeting.
- Sunday 19th May – A service of Holy Communion at 10.30.
- Thursday 9 May, Ascension Day – a Service in Teversham at 18.30 followed by a curry in the Teversham Indian restaurant
- Thursday 16 May – There will be three parishes Pilgrimage to Leicester Cathedral leaving Fen Ditton at 9:00 by minibus. If you would like to join the pilgrimage contact the Vicar, Nick Moir.
Rogation Sunday Walk
Sunday the 5th of May 2024 A.D. –
Join members of the Parish for some or all of the day as the Vicar leads two walks – one from St Peter’s Horningsea to Anglesey Abbey, and the second from Anglesey Abbey to All Saints Teversham (both legs are 4 miles each). There will be the opportunity for lunch at Anglesey Abbey!
Rogation Days precede the Ascension of the Lord the following Thursday, and are typically marked by country processions to appease divine justice, ask for protection, and invoke God’s blessing on the harvest.
10:30 am – Holy Communion, St Peter’s Horningsea
11.30 am – Tea & Coffee
12 noon – Walk to Anglesey Abbey
13:30 pm – Lunch at Anglesey Abbey
14:30 pm – Walk to Teversham
16:00 pm – Tea and worship at All Saints Teversham
Please contact Sharon who will match car drivers with those who need a lift (N.B. the Parish is not organising this officially – just putting everyone in touch with one another).