St Peter’s Church – Services for October

  • Sunday 6 October 10.30 – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 13 October 16.00 – Harvest Festival Service followed by Harvest Tea and sale of produce in aid of Farm Africa
  • Wednesday 16 October at 20.30 – Late evening Service of Compline
  • Sunday 27 October 10.30 – Joint Three Parishes Holy Communion

Horningsea Harvest Festival

Sunday 13 October at 16:00

At the Harvest Festival we are able to celebrate that Horningsea remains a “farming village”, surrounded by arable fields with the tractors, trailers and combine going up and down the High Street all day and much of the evening when the weather is right and the crops are ready. You can’t miss it! After last year when there were virtually no apples, the fruit trees have been laden this autumn – windfalls are on the village green, in the village orchard and in the hedgerows. There are boxes of apples outside front doors with an invitation to people to help themselves. Apple pressing day on 28 September showed how abundant the apple harvest has been … and there are still more apples in the hedgerows.

All this deserves a celebration and recognition of the importance of caring for God’s creation. 

Come along on Sunday 13 October at 4pm, bring a contribution of something you have grown or bought that can be sold in favour of the charity Farm Africa. Liz Harrison will be asking for help to decorate the church, so get in touch if you would like to get involved or if you have colourful leaves, flowers, fruit and vegetables to use as decoration. We hope the local farmers will tell us a bit about harvest 2024 during the service. There will be a Harvest Tea after the service – probably with home made apple cake!

Upcoming events

  • Saturday 2 November at 15.00Time to Remember your loved ones who have died recently or in the past. Come along and light a candle in their memory.
  • Sunday 8 December at 18.00 – Candlelit Carol Service 
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