Sunday 29th July 13.00-18.00
About a dozen gardens in the village will be open on Sunday 29th July. This is organised by the Friends of Horningsea Church to raise funds to pay towards the restoration of some windows, including the Bailey stained glass window. Please park at Horningsea Village Hall. Programmes/passports for the Gardens will be on sale at the Village Green, (£5 per person), this will include a map of the gardens that are open and a short description of each garden. They vary from old fashioned Cottage gardens, vegetable gardens and allotments, through to more formal gardens. You will recognise the open gardens as they will be marked by a bunch of colourful balloons! Refreshments will be available all afternoon in the Church. There will be music in some of the gardens during the afternoon. The event will conclude with madrigals on the riverbank (see attached flyer), at Church End House, just below the Church at 18.15. Bring a picnic, chairs or a rug. Pimms will be provided. There will be a collection. If it is raining the madrigals and picnic will take place in the church.
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