Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 1st August 2018 at 6.30pm at Horningsea Village Hall This meeting was followed by an update from representatives of Urban & Civic on amendments to Waterbeach OP Present: Cllrs. Margaret Starkie (chair), Robert Balm , Michael Gingell. Cllr. Jessica Kitt attended from 7.00pm. The meeting was declared quorate. District Cllrs. Daunton and Cone and County Cllr. Bradnam also attended Open Forum: Two members of the public attended from 7.20pm. One raised issue of change to ‘bus 196 with County Cllr. Bradnam. One raised issues of problems with toilets in Jubilee Gardens. MS to contact HRA and put a notice to parents to supervise children. Apologies for absence Cllrs. Tessa Pleasants. Cllr. Andy Greed has resigned from the council due to pressure of work. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary & other interests None Approval of the minutes of 23rd May 18, 4th July 18 and 18th July 18. Proposed by RB and seconded by MG Matters arising from the minutes of 23rd May 18, 4th July 18 & 18th July 18 – None District councillorss reports had been circulated before the meeting. Cllrs. Cone and Daunton both added that they were on the Scrutiny Committee to monitor effect of introduction of Universal Credit. If any resident has concerns they should contact SCDC. Cllr. Daunton added that the council is trying to reduce use of single-use plastic. The Police and Crime Commission is consideing a change to neighbourhood panel areas and meetings; police are targeting drug use and trafficking. County Councillor Report – CCC funds Community Transport Schemes but has not closely monitored those in East Cambs, Fenland & Huntingdon; anomalies discovered recently in accounts. Possibility that the funds hade been used by providers to support their commercial activities as well as the community transport. This could have adverse effect on taxi services in the area and mis-use of county funds. External auditors investigating. Road sweeping and drain clearance is responsibility of SCDC while flood damage control is responsibility of County; recent heavy rain after very dry weather has raised concerned about this disconnect. County housing department is being pro-active in trying to prevent homelessness. New Standing Orders provided by NALC adopted & signed Changes to 196 ‘bus service; now operated by Stagecoach. Notice has been circulated and sent to Horningsea Herald. Service has been cut to half with fewer stops in Fen Ditton. Resident reported that the last two days on which Whippet were operating service it did not run Cllr. Bradnam to investigate. MS had reported overhanging trees MS had reported overhanging trees Clayhithe Road to CCC Highways and received confirmation these are on County land and contractors have been asked to give a quotation. Cllr. Gingell reported that one of the poplars (which used to be regularly polarded but had not been cut for several years) had today fallen across the road. He had reported to police who are directing traffic. Cllr. Bradnam to raise with Highwaays Clayhithe Road to CCC Highways and received confirmation these are on County land and contractors have been asked to give a quotation. Cllr. Gingell reported that one of the poplars (which used to be regularly polarded but had not been cut for several years) had today fallen across the road. He had reported to police who are directing traffic. Cllr. Bradnam to raise with Highways. Casual Vacancy Following resignation of Andy Greed notice is given of Council Casual Vacancy. Clerk will contact monitoring officer at SCDC and notices will be put on board, website and in Herald. MS to contact Scotsdales and public houses as long term employees who do not live in the village are eligible to serve. Update on CPR training and equipment. Two sessions have been run for residents; Save an Adult and Save a child & baby. These were conducted by Mark Jones of RLSS and were very well received. The training equipment provided by BHF is now kept in the village hall storeroom; t is the responsibility of those using it to follow instructions carefully and to return the equipment. The next Local Council Stakeholder Group meeting will take place in Horningsea on 12 September at 6pm. Finance a) No payments have been made since last meeting b) The following payments were approved 1) CGM Ch. No. 735 £364.80 2) Friends of Horningsea church Ch. No. 737 £100.00 3) Cambs ACRE Ch. No. 736 £41.40 4) Cambridge Sea Cadets Ch. No. 739 £50.00 5) HVHT – hall hire PC meetings Ch. No. 738 £260.00 c) Bank reconciliation and budget update – deferred Clerk’s Report – nothing to report Correspondence received: 1) HVH trustee’s report on AV equipment at Village Hall – noted. This lacks detail; for discussion with Trustees at next meeting. Notices CCC Planning Committee will conduct hearing for application S/3372/17/CW WWRF at Levitt’s Field (Incinerator). MS will represent PC Matters for next agenda: Remembrance Sunday donation Ringing out Peace request from residents The meeting closed at 19:30 |
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