Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5th June.
After a long two years it seems like we will finally be able to enjoy this summer and what better way to do this than with a four day Jubilee weekend.
Horningsea Residents Association along with the Church are organising events from Thursday 2nd June right through to Sunday 5th to celebrate a unique milestone in our history, Her Majesty The Queen’s 70th year as our Monarch and Head of the Commonwealth.
Look out for more details on posters around the village and on Horningsea Residents Facebook page and if you’d like to get involved with helping at any of our events please contact See the end of this page for what you can do to help.

Schedule of events
Horningsea Village Green
21:00 – We will kick off the Jubilee weekend on the Village Green with music and a glass of fizz from 21:00 to watch our Beacon being lit. The Principle Beacon will be lit at 21.15 and ours along with thousands of beacons around the country and 54 Beacons from the Commonwealth Countries will be lit at 21.45.
St Peter’s church
There’s a full day of activities at the church.
11:00 – The Bell Ringers will be taking part in the National Ringing for the Jubilee. The Church will be open with an exhibition of photos and Royal memorabilia. Stay for tea and cakes in the afternoon.
19.00 – Join in the Village Concert in the church. So far we have a Horningsea Orchestra rehearsing Juba Dance, some string players, a Ukrainian folk song, Madrigals, recorder … readings from Alan Bennet, from The Remains of the Day, A A Milne, Jane Austen, Just William, Dylan Thomas, and more!
Laney Meadow
Evening – We will be showing The Queen’s Platinum Party at the Palace on a big screen on John and Liz Harrison’s field. The BBQ will be lit and The Plough and Fleece and the Crown and Punchbowl will very generously be providing us with beer and sausages. The fabulous horse box bar The Copper Tree will be serving Gin and Prosecco. Look forward to a fun evening with Ed Sheeran leading the musical tribute, he’ll be on the screen not in John’s field! We will then continue the evening with music so stay on and sing and dance the evening away. A marquee will be up if the weather is bad. More details to follow.
Laney Meadow & St Peter’s Church
12:00-16:00 – Our weekend finishes with our Big Jubilee Lunch on Laney Meadow – again this will be in a marquee if the weather is bad. Bring your own food and drink and join your friends and neighbours from 12:00-16:00 in the last of our events in what promises to be a weekend to remember.
18.00 – Join the Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving Evensong in the Church celebrating the Platinum Jubilee and bring a busy weekend to a close!
Get ready for the Jubilee weekend!
Why not decorate your house with bunting, hoist a flag and even decorate your windows to celebrate our Queens momentous achievement.
Thursday: decorate your windows on the theme of the Platinum Jubilee, photograph it and post on Facebook. How many windows will we manage? Help with Flower arrangements in the Church (speak to Liz Harrison). Make some bunting …
Friday: There will be an exhibition of your photographs of you (or your family) meeting Royalty, attending a Buckingham Palace Garden Party, receiving your DoE award, your copy of the Coronation Order of Service, photos of Coronation Day, Silver Jubilee, Golden and Diamond Jubilee events in the village … medals and other Royal Memorabilia, memories of Coronation Day, Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilee parties and events …stay for tea and cakes during the afternoon.
Friday, 19.00 Village Concert in the church … can you sing? Play? Read or recite? Contact to volunteer! So far we have a Horningsea Orchestra rehearsing Juba Dance, some string players, a Ukrainian folk song, Madrigals, recorder … readings from Alan Bennet, from The Remains of the Day, A A Milne, Jane Austen, Just William, Dylan Thomas, and more!
The HRA and the Church hope you can join us in what looks like being a real community weekend with something for all ages and of course the sun will be shining.
Look out for more details on posters around the village and on Horningsea Residents Facebook page and get in touch if you’d like to get involved with helping at any of our events.