Author Archives: Andy

Quiz Night: Saturday 23 January at 7.30pm

Three Parishes Quiz Night for the A14 trophy! Horningsea v Fen Ditton v Teversham: Teams of 4 Venue: Horningsea Pavilion £5 per person: includes Ploughman’s Supper and soft drinks Bring your own beer or wine!

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A Very Short Nativity: Sunday 13 December at 11am in St Peter’s

A Very Short Nativity: Children of all ages are invited to come dressed as shepherds, angels or wise men. We need one Mary, one Joseph and one grumpy innkeeper. It will be helpful if parents can sort out which children … Continue reading

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Heritage Open Day 12 September 10am – 6pm

Horningsea Church: 800 years – Horningsea & the Magna Carta An exhibition and talks – Free Entry Morning – See the exhibition & the Horningsea “800” Film – great for families! Afternoon – Bells rung from 2.00 to 2.30pm From … Continue reading

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Open Studios Concert: Saturday 18 July 7.30pm

At St Peter’s Church In support of the Open Studio, on Saturday 18 July there will be a concert in the evening of songs, instrumental music and words. The music will include trio sonatas from the baroque period played on … Continue reading

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Village Trusts AGM Wed 13 May at 7:30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Horningsea Village Hall and Millennium Green Trusts will be held in the Village Hall. All welcome!

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Bell ringing taster session Sunday 10 May

At St Peter’s Church Bell ringing taster session – come and give it a try! See if you’d like to join the bell ringing team as a learner. Teas served

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VE Day Celebration – St Peter’s Church

70th Anniversary of VE Day St Peters Church Horningsea On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May there will be an exhibition of “Children of the War”. If you were a child during the War and remember rationing, eating your first … Continue reading

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Lindsay’s Road to Mandalay – Saturday 25 April at 7:30pm

In St Peter’s Church, Horningsea The Road to Mandalay…. Where mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun…. a journey into Myanmar – an illustrated lecture by Lindsay Davies. Travelling down the Salween and Irrawaddy Rivers…. visiting Colonial … Continue reading

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St Peter’s Church – Family services for 2015

Special Services for all the Family: Sunday March 15th at 3pm: Mothering Sunday Service and Horningsea’s Farewell to Reverend Michael Bowers; followed by Tea in the Village Hall Sunday 10th May at 11am: Service commemorating 70th Anniversary of VE Day … Continue reading

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Remembrance Day – Sunday 9th November

Remembrance Day Service: Sunday 9th November 10.15am at St Peter’s Church 10.45am at War Memorial in Jubilee Garden Afterwards a tree will be planted on the green and teas & coffees served in the Pavilion.

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