Category Archives: Community

Horningsea Herald February 2024

Hello Horningsea, Here’s the February Horningsea Herald. It’s the HRA’s International Evening tonight (Saturday 3rd Feb) in the village hall. Bring your favourite dish or pay £7 per adult/£2 per child. You can view the rest of the HRA’s calendar of events … Continue reading

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Horningsea village hall trust (HVHT) and Horningsea Millenium Green Trust (HMGT) annual chairman’s report for 2023

Recent Past – As expected, both trusts have had a rather quieter year or so, because of our need to pick-up after Covid-19 Pandemic, although access to the hall has been unrestricted since earlier with ‘changing’ government rules. Even outside … Continue reading

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Horningsea Herald December 2022

Here’s the Christmas Herald! It always seems far too early to be saying this, but since the next Herald is never out until the New Year…. Merry Christmas Horningsea! As usual Horningsea will kick off the Christmas festivities with the … Continue reading

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Horningsea’s Candlelit Carol Service and other services for December

Sunday 11th December at 18:00 The Candlelit Carol Service returns this year after two years of Zoomed Carols. The oil lamps will be lit and the church filled with candles – thanks to Liz Harrison and her team of workers. … Continue reading

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Goose Green playground

John Wilson If you go into the village playground, you will see a sign saying” Goose Green “nailed to the back fence. It looks old, and yes, it is, for it was put up in the first playground forty years … Continue reading

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Horningsea Herald August 2021

Here’s August’s Horningsea Herald. This month sees Village Day back with a bang! On the 14th at 15:00 come and join your neighbours. It.. will .. be … sunny! Horningsea Village Day poster. Then the following day sees a performance … Continue reading

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New playground….sliding in soon

by Will Neale We are pleased to publicise that Horningsea is getting a new playground! With the existing play equipment being condemned and the playground having to be closed, the combined efforts of the Parish Council, Village Hall Trust and … Continue reading

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Local food deliveries

(this list will be continuously updated. Last updated May 9th, 2020) It is surely safer to have your shopping delivered than to go to the shops. In an effort to try and avoid going to the shops some villagers have … Continue reading

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The Horningsea Tales: Saturday 8 June PM

At St Peter’s Church Horningsea Short Story competition winners Ploughman’s Lunch, tea & cakes: Donations to Church funds Books to be signed & books for sale 1 – 2pm: Ploughman’s Lunch & talk by Alan Moore: Do/ Design: Beauty is … Continue reading

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Horningsea Short Story Competition

Fran Johnstone (co-ordinator of the judges) You are invited to enter the inaugural Horningsea Short Story Competition, so grab those pens or laptops and get writing! The competition winners will be announced and the prizes awarded at a book fair … Continue reading

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