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Category Archives: Village Hall
HRA Bonfire night
The HRA’s annual firework display is on Sunday 6th November. The fireworks start at 6.30pm on the Millennium Green followed by the Bonfire. Admission is £5 for adults and free for children (a proportion of the gate takings will be … Continue reading
French Café Evening
After the success of last year’s International Evening, this year the HRA are pleased to announce a small taste of France in Horningsea. Come join in. There’ll be a buffet of bread and cheese with an aperitif, a glass of … Continue reading
HRA Village Apple Pressing Day
Join in on a day of apple pressing fun. Bring your own apples from the garden, some empty bottles (and just a bit of elbow grease!) and take your self-?pressed apple juice home with you. The Apple Pressing day will … Continue reading