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Tag Archives: music
St Augustine’s Singers – Sat 18 May 6pm
At St Peter’s Church St Augustine’s Singers: Le Chant des Oiseaux Programme includes madrigals and part songs on an avian theme including well known hymns. Features a new work: Bellbirds – Aubade by Edward Cowie
Caius College Choir Xmas Concert – Saturday 7th December
St Peter’s Church is delighted to welcome one of the UK’s leading choirs. With a global reputation based on its extensive touring and broadcasting, the choir of Gonville and Caius College is known for its highly acclaimed and imaginative CD … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Events, Horningsea, Music, Social, St. Peter's Church
Tagged Christmas, music
1 Comment
Madrigals on the river bank: Sunday 11th August at 7pm (picnic from 6pm)
Please join us to picnic and to listen to Madrigals on the River. Fen Edge Voices will be singing madrigals on the river on Sunday August 11th, starting at around 7pm. This will take place down at The Orchards as before (entry … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Events, Horningsea, Music, Social, St. Peter's Church
Tagged church, music
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