Don’t forget the AGM of the Horningsea Residents Association on the 27th in the Village Hall. The HRA is the social heart of the villages. Go along and find out what they have done and perhaps volunteer. Without volunteers we would have no Village Day. Bonfire night or Apple Pressing day.
..and thanks again to Liz Harrison for the wonderful Christmas Horningsea Tradition of our Advent Windows.
We’re the social heart of our village, and we need YOU! Find out more about how we bring the community together with fun events like Village Day, International Night and the Fabulous Easter Egg Bingo (see photos below!).
Want to help organise our next big bash? Come along to the AGM and share your thoughts!
We’re especially keen to welcome new committee members. If you’re a friendly face who loves to have fun and bring people together, we’d love for you to join us.
All residents are welcome. See you there!
Village Day 2017Apple Press Day 2015Apple Press Day 2018Lighting the village beacon (2000)
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This Sunday (the 1st!) sees the traditional start to the Horningsea Christmas with the Christmas Tree Lighting at 18:00 in the Jubilee Gardens. Then on the following Sunday (8th) there’s the Candlelit Carol Service in the church.
Do remember to watch out for Horningsea’s Advent Windows throughout December. Only Liz knows which window is on each day!
The annual, traditional Carol Service will be on Sunday 8 December at 18.00. The church is filled with hundreds of candles, the oil lamps are lit and the electric lights are switched off. The service begins with one child singing the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City, other children join in the second verse and then the congregation sing. There will be a couple of new readings but the usual Bible readings tell the story of the birth of the baby Jesus in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. The musical Young People of Horningsea will play a special Carol and Fen Edge singers will sing but mostly the well known carols will be sung by the congregation. Children carry lanterns in procession to the crib. If you have never been you should try to come this year – dress up warm and arrive early to get a seat as some years it has been standing room only.
Gifts of mince pies to share with a hot drink after the service are always welcome!
A Family Crib Service
Saturday 21 December at 15.00
Families of all ages are invited to this short service when the children help build the crib as each of the characters make their way to the stable. Children can come dressed as someone from the Nativity – it doesn’t matter if we have 4 Mary’s or half a dozen Wise People!
Christmas Day
25 December at 10.30
A Family Holy Communion with Carols to celebrate Christmas Day.
And for those wanting a quiet, peaceful period of time in amongst all the bustle why not come to the late evening service of Compline on Wednesday 18 December at 8.30pm.