Horningsea Christmas Tree Lighting

The month of December starts the festivities for Christmas so villagers come and enjoy a glass of mulled wine or two with mince pies coupled with the lighting of the Christmas Trees in the Jubilee Gardens on Sunday 1st December at 18:00.

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HPC agenda 27/11/24

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Horningsea Herald November 2024

Here’s the November Herald.

It’s the highlight of the Horningsea winter season – The very popular HRA Firework display and bonfire. Do arrive early as the Fen Ditton bonfire was cancelled this year so expect a larger crowd than normal!

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St Peter’s Church – Services for November

A Time to Remember

Saturday 2 November at 15:00 at St Peter’s Church Horningsea

As part of the season which includes All Souls and All Saints, there will be an opportunity to join together to remember those you have loved who are with us no longer and to light a candle in their memory. Whether your loved one died recently or a long time ago do come along for this special, quiet and contemplative service.

Horningsea Candlelit Carol Service

Sunday 8 December at 18:00

Liz Harrison will be co-ordinating the decoration of the Church for the Candlelit Carol Service. If you have never been, the church is filled with many hundreds of candles all of which have to be put in place in good time. If you have been to the service you will know how splendid the church looks with the oil lamps lit and the hundreds of candles flickering in the dark. Liz will need help from the weekend of 22 November to ensure that everything is in place by 8 December. Please come and help – give an hour or so over that weekend or during the week … or subsequent weekends until all is ready!

Remembrance Day in Horningsea

Sunday 10 November: 10.15 at St Peter’s Church; 10.45 at the War Memorial in the Jubilee Gardens

The traditional Service of Remembrance will be held as usual in Horningsea leading to the 2 Minutes Silence at 11 o’clock. During the Service John Wilson will tell us about the men of Horningsea who died in the first and second World Wars. This year he will also ask us to remember Capt James M Farmer, an American pilot who died when his plane crashed on Quy Fen in July 1945. He was a highly decorated pilot of the 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group who had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 8 Oak Leaf Clusters.

Poppy wreaths will be placed on the War Memorial by organisations based in the Village.

The Fallen of Horningsea are listed on the village website.


  • Sunday 2nd November, 15:00, A Time to Remember
  • Sunday 10th November, 10:00, Remembrance Sunday
  • Sunday 17th November, 10:30 Holy Communion
  • Wednesday 20th November, Compline
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Horningsea Herald October 2024

Hello Horningsea,

Here’s the October Horningsea Herald.

Horningsea Parish Council

Wednesday 9th October at 19:30

The next meeting of Horningsea Parish Council is this Wednesday (October 9th, 2024 at 19:30) in Horningsea Village Hall.

HPC agenda

Horningsea Harvest Festival

Sunday 13th October at 16:00, St Peter’s Church.

Come along on Sunday 13 October at 18:00, bring a contribution of something you have grown or bought that can be sold in favour of the charity Farm Africa. Liz Harrison will be asking for help to decorate the church, so get in touch if you would like to get involved or if you have colourful leaves, flowers, fruit and vegetables to use as decoration. We hope the local farmers will tell us a bit about harvest 2024 during the service. There will be a Harvest Tea after the service – probably with homemade apple cake!

Halloween Spooky party at the Plough and Fleece

Friday 1st November, The Plough and Fleece

Boo! You are invited to our spooky party on Friday 1st November. With live music from the Cushy Punts, a Best Costume Contest and of course Trick or Treat.

Horningsea Firework and Bonfire

Sunday, 3rd November, Village green

The days are getting shorter which means it’s almost time for this year’s Horningsea’s Firework and Bonfire event organised by the Horningsea Residents Association.

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Horningsea Firework and Bonfire

Sunday, 3rd November, Village green

The days are getting shorter which means it’s almost time for this years Horningsea’s Firework and Bonfire event organised by the Horningsea Residents Association.

This years celebrations are on Sunday November 3rd and will take place on the Village Green.

Gates will open from 5.30pm for Hot Dogs, soup, snacks, hot drinks and music.

Fireworks will begin at 6.30pm with lighting of the bonfire in true Horningsea style to follow.

Adults £5 & over 5’s £2.50 – correct cash on the gate if possible please.

We look forward to seeing you there!

HRA logo
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St Peter’s Church – Services for October

  • Sunday 6 October 10.30 – Holy Communion
  • Sunday 13 October 16.00 – Harvest Festival Service followed by Harvest Tea and sale of produce in aid of Farm Africa
  • Wednesday 16 October at 20.30 – Late evening Service of Compline
  • Sunday 27 October 10.30 – Joint Three Parishes Holy Communion

Horningsea Harvest Festival

Sunday 13 October at 16:00

At the Harvest Festival we are able to celebrate that Horningsea remains a “farming village”, surrounded by arable fields with the tractors, trailers and combine going up and down the High Street all day and much of the evening when the weather is right and the crops are ready. You can’t miss it! After last year when there were virtually no apples, the fruit trees have been laden this autumn – windfalls are on the village green, in the village orchard and in the hedgerows. There are boxes of apples outside front doors with an invitation to people to help themselves. Apple pressing day on 28 September showed how abundant the apple harvest has been … and there are still more apples in the hedgerows.

All this deserves a celebration and recognition of the importance of caring for God’s creation. 

Come along on Sunday 13 October at 4pm, bring a contribution of something you have grown or bought that can be sold in favour of the charity Farm Africa. Liz Harrison will be asking for help to decorate the church, so get in touch if you would like to get involved or if you have colourful leaves, flowers, fruit and vegetables to use as decoration. We hope the local farmers will tell us a bit about harvest 2024 during the service. There will be a Harvest Tea after the service – probably with home made apple cake!

Upcoming events

  • Saturday 2 November at 15.00Time to Remember your loved ones who have died recently or in the past. Come along and light a candle in their memory.
  • Sunday 8 December at 18.00 – Candlelit Carol Service 
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HPC agenda 9/10/24

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Horningsea Herald September 2024

Laney Meadow Development -Resident Survey

Dakin Estates put a proposal to develop Laney Meadow to the Parish Council in May. The PC are currently consulting residents to give feedback to Dakin Estates.

– There’s just a few days left to complete the survey.

– The development is on the agenda of the next Parish Council meeting (25th September). Residents are encouraged to attend the Open Forum.

(Read more).

Apple Pressing Day 2024!

Saturday, 28th September, 14:00 – Village Green

The Horningsea Residents Association are pleased to bring you Horningsea’s thirteenth Apple pressing 2024. Come along, help press and get involved, bring your own apples if you have any and don’t forget some empty bottles ready to fill. Bring your own drinks, nibbles and picnic blankets for when you take a well deserved rest.

Baby Thanksgiving Service

Sunday 8th September at 16.00, St Peter’s Church

To celebrate the Horningsea Baby Boom – 8 little boys in the last year! – there will be a Thanksgiving Service at St Peter’s Horningsea on Sunday 8 September at 16.00.

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Apple Pressing Day 2024!

Saturday, 28th September, Village Green

The Horningsea Residents Association are pleased to bring you our thirteenth Apple pressing 2024. The date is Saturday 28th September and will start at 14:00 on the village green.

Having had to cancel last year’s pressing due to lack of apples we are confident that we will have our usual pile of apples to prep and juice ready for you to take home and enjoy.

Come along, help press and get involved, bring your own apples if you have any and don’t forget some empty bottles ready to fill.

Bring your own drinks, nibbles and picnic blankets for when you take a well deserved rest.

HRA logo
a large pile of apples ready to be crushed for juice.
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